Orquestra de Frevo do Babá - Frevoessência (2025)...
Download: *Frevoessência (2025).rar*
A *Orquestra de Frevo do Babá *apresenta seu segundo álbum, FREVOESSÊNCIA,
como um manifesto de resistênci...
19 hours ago
Thank you !
These guys are great.
Thank you so much for this one. ;)
I've added you to my links.
Thanks for one of the coolest music blog of the Network...
My name is Lubna Dar and I live in Switzeland.
I write down this message 'cause I wanna know if I could ask you a favor?
I'm deperately looking for Bügsküll's first album "Phantasies & Senseitions",
'cause the tape I had (offered by a friend from San Fransisco) broke down
and it's almost a tragedy for me!
I look dawn all the internet, all peer to peer programs, tried to ship it from Europe but
it's impossible! (out of print or I can't ship it with my credit card from the US)
Could you try to post it or ask if somebody from all your sources knows how
to find it?
You will be something like my sevior or my knight!!!
Hoping you will answer me (even if...snif...it's a negatve answer!)
A huge kiss
Another time: congratulations for your work!
I found your album, I'm downloading it. I'll post it as soon as it comes.
Could you re upload this album to mediafire? The file not longer exists. I would greatly appreciate it if you get the chance!
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