Brightblack Morning Light
Ingredients: crickets, bells, crystals, lazy guitars, warm percussions, psychedelic basses and stoned vocals from Rachael Hughes and Nathan Shineywater. Mix everything into an adobe house and you got one of the most interesting music made in the last 5 years. Enough to make you ask yourself 'where the hell i was that i did'nt hear to this yet???'.
Take a listen to Fry Bread and you'll understand.
You're welcome. ; )
Offical Website

Ala.Cali.Tucky (2004)

Brighblack Morning Light (2006)

Motion To Rejoin (2008)

Pebbles and Ripples 2004 Summer Tour
Thanks for the ala.cali.tucky. They are phenomenal. There's a tour split with "Bonnie" Prince Billy, called Pebbles and Ripples, from their 2004 Summer Tour. Both sides are great, and I know that you're into BPB.
I'm gonna post this one tomorrow within the next hours.
This split is very nice, though it is not my favorite. There is even a version of a Bob Marley's song, Babylon System.
Here we go:
Fantastic music for tripppin', better with a joint. Thank you!
need help, earlier I was going to download a volcano the bear album and got to rapidshare but i canceled before downloading. now whenever i get to rapidshare it gives me a download error and says im already downloading a file. whats up with this, anybody?much thanks
i guess it is normal when you got a free account. in that case, just wait for those infernal minutes to go away and try again... : )
hope it helps you.
What a treat; thank you very much. -- Murf
thanks for these. great stuff.
Thanx for these...had the BPB split but hadn't heard the rest. You have a great and interesting blog and I have linked to you from mine.
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