Orquestra de Frevo do Babá - Frevoessência (2025)...
Download: *Frevoessência (2025).rar*
A *Orquestra de Frevo do Babá *apresenta seu segundo álbum, FREVOESSÊNCIA,
como um manifesto de resistênci...
21 hours ago
so many thanks! your stocking will be full of jellied meats made with care.
Obrigado, e um bom Natal!
Thanks for posting Adventure. This album is always skewered by the critics but I've always preferred it to Marquee Moon.
I like the melodies and though the lyrics are sometimes fairly uninspired, the overall effect is more enjoyable to me. Though I'm well in the minority on that!
learn to fucking encode music you dipshit, 134bit VBR?!
are you fucking mad.
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