PUMUCA - Cegos Conduzindo Cegos (2025)...
Download: *Cegos Conduzindo Cegos (2025).rar*
"Cegos Conduzindo Cegos" é o novo EP do cantor e compositor mineiro Paulo
Miranda com(o) *Pumuca*,...
4 hours ago
34 minutes of general awesomeness. thanks.
yeah, i really like where he's going on this record.
you're welcome
a lot of dennis duck touches on this one, put still pretty progressive .
still waiting for my copy to arrive.
didn't think of dennis duck. interesting. also reminded me of some CGT-related stuff
Haven't heard the whole album, i wanted to wait, so i could hear it on vinyl. the first couple minutes of "Side A" reminds me of plunderphonic/turntable stuff.
haven't heard of CGT yet.
oh, by CGT i meant Climax Golden Twins, some of their more cut-up type of thing.
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